Turkish defender Merih Demiral sparks political outrage with controversial goal celebration

Through to the quarterfinals
His celebration
Facing a fine
“Responsible for thousands of deaths”
Taking to X
Sinister meaning
People attacked in March
Terror Group
Should he be banned?
Through to the quarterfinals

Turkey is through to the Euro 2024 quarterfinals thanks to defender Merih Demiral's two goals to give his team a 2-1 victory over Austria.

His celebration

The former Juventus defender has sparked outrage for his celebration after scoring his second goal of the game on the hour mark. The Turkish match-winner displayed a 'Wolf Salute' associated with Grey Wolves, a far-right extremist Group linked with Turkey's ruling party.

Picture - X @MerihDemiral

Facing a fine

The salute is linked to the National Movement Party (MHP) and has sparked backlash on social media. Austria banned the salute in 2019, prohibiting symbols of 'extremist organizations', and Demirel could face a fine of €4,000, according to the Rudaw website.

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“Responsible for thousands of deaths”

Austrian journalist Michael Bonvalot said on X: "He openly displays the symbol of the fascist Grey Wolves. These paramilitaries were responsible for thousands of deaths, and today they sit in the Turkish government together with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan's AKP [Justice and Development Party]."

"Doing the gesture in the stands"

According to Turkiye Today, Demiral said: "I am incredibly proud to be Turkish, and I felt that pride deeply after scoring. I wanted to express that, and I'm very happy I did. Our fans are proud of us. I saw them doing the gesture in the stands, and it made me want to do it even more."

Taking to X

The Turkish defender took to X and posted a picture of him doing the salute with the phrase "ne mutlu Türküm diyene," which means "How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!"

Picture - X @Merihdemiral

Sinister meaning

The phrase he used on X carries a sinister meaning for minority groups in Turkey, including Armenians, Kurds, Greeks, and Assyrians.

People attacked in March

The Rubaw website reports that a group of Turkish nationalists did the salute while attacking several Kurdish families during the Kurdish New Year in March 2024 in Belgium. At least six people were injured, and the Kurdistan flag was burned.

Terror Group

The 'Grey Wolves' are infamous for attacks on minorities in Turkey and abroad. In 2021, the European Parliament called for the member states to label the group a 'terror group.'

Should he be banned?

After Demiral's celebration, should he be banned from the rest of the Euro 2024 due to the terrible connotations of his celebration and what it means?

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