Ralf Schumacher's ex-wife slams former F1 driver: 'Stab in the heart'

Big reveal
A touching moment
A beautiful image
Two years together
Married 14 years to Cora Brinkmann
His son David
Family support
A viral comment
Viral post
Unexpected confirmation
Breaking new ground in F1
Big reveal

Ralf Schumacher recently shocked the world of sports by revealing he is gay via an Instagram post in which he showed his boyfriend. Now, his ex-wife Cora Brinkmann has spoken out about her feelings for the first time since Ralf's reveal.



"Sign of respect"

Speaking to Der Spiegel, Brinkmann said, "I wish Ralf had involved me or at least made me part of his decision, it would have been a sign of respect," she also added, "During his F1 career, there were a lot of rumors in the paddock. I asked him to clarify if what was said was true, but he always denied it."

"Stab in the heart"

Brinkmann's fiery statement continued, "When he announced it, it was like a stab in the heart. Coming out always affects those around you, including the ex-wife with whom you had a child". She even went so far to add, "Today I feel used during the marriage. I feel like I wasted my best years."

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"Did he love me?"

Ralf Schumacher's coming out was celebrated by most in the sporting community, but it left his ex-wife asking, "I ask myself a lot of questions - was he honest with me? And there is even something more important that is on my mind: did he love me?"

A touching moment

Whilst Brinkmann continues to deal with the difficult questions that have arisen since Schumacher decided to go public with his sexuality, for Ralf, it has been a chance to finally be his true self to the world, let's take a look at what's happened so far.

A beautiful image

"The most beautiful thing in life is when you have the right partner by your side with whom you can share everything," Schumacher commented alongside a photo in which he was seen hugging his partner, a young French pilot named Étienne, as stated by Der Spiegel.

Photo: Instagram - @ralfschumacher_rsc


Two years together

German media claim that Michael Schumacher's brother has been in a relationship with his current partner for about two years, but refused to make it public in the past.

Married 14 years to Cora Brinkmann

What surprised everyone was not that the former German driver has a male boyfriend, but that Schumacher was married to former model Cora-Caroline Brinkmann for 14 years.

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His son David

The couple has a son, David Schumacher (2001), who is also a driver and competes in ADAG GT Masters, after having gone through Formula 3 and DTM.

Family support

Young David was the first to comment on his father's announcement on Instagram, with a message of support, affection, and respect that soon received more than 15,000 likes.


A viral comment

"I am very glad that you have finally found someone with whom you really feel comfortable and safe. I support you 100%, dad, and I wish you all the best and the greatest happiness," he commented.

Viral post

Obviously, he was not the only one who commented on the unexpected news. Ralf Schumacher's posts on Instagram generally do not exceed 50 comments, while this one soon exceeded 18,000.

Unexpected confirmation

In fact, Carmen Geiss, a friend of the former pilot, was the one who confirmed that the couple had been in a relationship for two years with her comment. "After two years, you can finally show your love to the world."

Breaking new ground in F1

In addition to introducing his partner, Ralf Schumacher is looking to break LGTBIQ+ taboos in Formula 1, a new face to the world of motorsport.

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