A history of Vince McMahon's biggest scandals and problematic moments

Vince McMahon
'Hush-money' agreements
Recent allegations
Federal investigation
Biggest shake-up
Poor choice of words
Racist slur
History of sexual abuse allegations
Being sued
Owen Hart incident
Kept the show going
The Steroid Trial
Found not guilty
Mocking Jim Ross
Mocking his diagnosis
Vince McMahon

Former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) owner Vince McMahon created the largest wrestling empire in history, but it hasn't exactly been the smoothest of ascents; McMahon and the WWE have seen more than their fair share of controversies over the last five decades.

'Hush-money' agreements

In June 2022, McMahon stepped down as CEO of the company after claims of 'hush-money' agreements McMahon paid over affairs with former WWE employees, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Recent allegations

And in January this year, McMahon resigned from his role as executive chairman of the newly merged company TKO Group Holdings after allegations of trafficking and sexual assault. He is still under federal probe, as reported by NBC News.

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Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, filed a lawsuit against McMahon on January 25th, claiming she was "the victim of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault and trafficking at WWE."

Federal investigation

The former WWE CEO has since had his phone seized by federal officials and is currently under federal investigation for the alleged crimes.

Biggest shake-up

The most recent allegations are the biggest shake-up in the professional wrestling empire he and his family have been at the helm for over 50 years. But they aren't his only scandals and problematic moments.

Poor choice of words

One of the worst and most controversial moments in Vince McMahon's career happened in 2005 with John Cena after using a racial slur in a scripted on-camera segment on the 'Survival Series.'

Racist slur

As reported by the Daily Mail, McMahon asked Cena 'What was good in the hood' before using the racist slur. It was an attempt to create a shock and entertainment value, but it still doesn't sit right with most people to this day.

History of sexual abuse allegations

Despite the allegations and investigation that is going on today, the former WWE CEO has a history of being accused of sexual assault or harassment in the workplace.

Being sued

WatchMojo reported that McMahon allegedly forced himself upon former WWF referee Rita Chatterton in a limousine in 1986. Former WWF wrestler Sable sued his company in 1999 for 'Harbouring a culture of sexual harassment.'

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Owen Hart incident

The death of former wrestler Owen Hart is one of the dark days in WWE history after he fell to his death when attempting to approach the ring from the rafters of Kemper Stadium in Missouri attached to a harness that released him early, according to Sports Illustrated.

Kept the show going

The issue and controversy that lay with McMahon was that he decided to continue the event despite the death of Hart at the beginning of the show. Announcer Jim Ross announced to the audience at home that Hart had passed, but the crowd had no idea.

The Steroid Trial

The United States of America vs Vince McMahon was all about the use of steroids in the WWF in the mid-90s, with McMahon being accused of supplying anabolic steroids to his wrestlers.

Found not guilty

According to Last Words on Sport, of the six charges he was accused of, only three made it to trial. Those charges were two counts of distributing steroids and one count of conspiracy to distribute steroids. After a complex investigation, he was found not guilty.

Mocking Jim Ross

Jim Ross is the most legendary wrestling commentator of all time, working as a wrestling commentator from 1974 until now, mainly working in the WWE for the majority of that time.

Mocking his diagnosis

As covered by WatchMojo, Vince McMahon has a history of mocking Ross live on air, with instances that included mocking his diagnosis of Bell's Palsy and mocking Ross over his real-life colon surgery in a WWE skit.

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