Derby County star Joshua Vickers' wife tragically dies three months after their wedding

A hard blow
She was 27 years old.
Married less than four months
Difficult to find the right words
Farewell message
Create memories
Support for a colleague
Looking on the bright side
A spectacular proposal
Josh Vickers 31
A hard blow

Josh Vickers, goalkeeper and one of Derby County's stars currently playing in League One, has made the toughest announcement anyone could ever make on his social media profiles.


She was 27 years old.

His wife Laura died of cancer just three months after their wedding.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Married less than four months

The couple married on June 1, 2023, when Laura had already been diagnosed with the disease that took her life.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Difficult to find the right words

"I've written and deleted this so many times trying to find the right words and I don't know if I'll ever find them," Josh Vickers began on Instagram.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Farewell message

"On Tuesday afternoon (September 19), my wife lost her long battle with cancer. Laura is the strongest, bravest and most loving person I have ever known," he said in a message posted a few days after her death.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Create memories

"Despite everything she went through, she was always smiling and didn't let anything stop her from having a good time and creating memories that will last a lifetime. We cried, laughed and danced through difficult times," she remembers.

Support for a colleague

Many footballers and clubs, including Arsenal on the club's official account, have supported Josh Vickers during this difficult time.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Looking on the bright side

"I will cherish every moment we spent together - from our first meeting to your death," says Josh Vickers.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

A spectacular proposal

Laura was 27 and got engaged to the Derby County goalkeeper in June 2022 in a beautiful proposal set against the backdrop of Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada.

Photo: Instagram - @joshuavickers

Josh Vickers 31

Josh Vickers' teammates who played against Carlisle United at the weekend showed their solidarity with him by presenting his shirt before the game.

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