Kylian Mbappe's mother demands half the striker's earnings

Family compromise
Half of earnings
Many options
Tough negotiation
Forced to agree
Real Madrid?
Main pillar
The money or the glory?
Family compromise

Kylian Mbappe's mother and agent, Fayza Lamari, revealed they had an argument surrounding the PSG star and his earnings. This family dispute left Mbappe no other option but to compromise on a percentage of his wage.

Half of earnings

Fayza Lamari recently revealed they argued over finances after her son refused to accept a 50% demand of his on-pitch earnings, according to 'The Sun'.


Naturally, this angered Mbappe, who allegedly replied: "I'm never going to give it to you [50%]". A tough situation for both parties, with critics highlighting the influence of Fayza Lamari in his decisions.


Fayza Lamari, a former French handball player, was asking for half of the €53.5m ($58m) contract he earns from Paris Saint-Germain.

Many options

The two had a big dispute revolving around the finances. With his contract running out, there are many figures up in the air and tension is running high. Will he remain at PSG with an improved deal, or will he part ways with the French club?

"Take half of it?"

Mbappe allegedly asked his mom: "What is wrong with you? I'm the one who scored the goals and do you want to take half of it?" "Yes, it's true. You are very good but we are a team and we value what you do for your good," she replied.

Tough negotiation

"I don't mind working 23 hours for you but the only thing I can do is what I enjoy, IBKM [The foundation Mbappe leads in order to help children in need]. Either you give me 30 percent or I'm going to the Maldives," Fayza Lamari recalls responding, as reported by The Sun.


Forced to agree

Naturally, Mbappe agreed to the terms imposed by his mother, however, there is still much to be said regarding the French striker's future.

Real Madrid?

With his contract set to end in June, the PSG star has been the center of attention during the last couple of transfer windows. Real Madrid has shown keen interest for the French striker but time is running out and patience is not at an all-time high.

Main pillar

"I want Kylian Mbappe to stay at PSG. He is the best player in the world and the best club for him is PSG, he is central to our project," shared Nasser Al-Khelaïfi (PSG's president) on the Rothen s'enflamme RMC podcast.

The money or the glory?

Amid the chaos surrounding Mbappe's contract, nothing has been written in stone. Many fans believe his heart might be at PSG but his mind is already thinking of his next big move. What will it be, the money or the glory?

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