Moments from HBO's Hard Knocks we'll remember forever

A Summer Tradition
Guts And Huts
A Sharpe Impersonation
Cromartie Counting Kids
Davis Gets Dealt
Sacrifice For A Snack
Child Please
Emmitt Drives The Bus
Pop, Lock It, Drop It
A Summer Tradition

HBO has taken us behind the scenes of NFL training camp with their hit series, “Hard Knocks”. The show has been a huge success ever since it first aired in 2001. The network has a way of highlighting compelling narratives and bringing fans closer to the players they love. We’ll look back at a few moments that stand out from the program’s run.

Guts And Huts

The Cleveland Browns were not a very good team when they were profiled in 2018, but they produced some compelling moments. Offensive line coach Bob Wylie would get his players ready to block at the snap, but a funny thing happened in those drills. Wylie’s stomach would move up and down every time he said “hut”, which audiences found endearing.

A Sharpe Impersonation

The 2001 Baltimore Ravens were the first team featured on Hard Knocks, which was a wise choice. They had quite a few characters on the team, including tight end Shannon Sharpe. Reserve Tim Johnson would impersonate the appearance and mannerisms of his veteran teammate for everyone to see, and his performance was nothing short of hilarious.

Cromartie Counting Kids

Sometimes, a show will need to manufacture a storyline to facilitate a memorable moment. Other times, simple sit-downs with players will accomplish that goal. New York Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie was asked to name all his children. He “only” had eight at the time Hard Knocks inquired about his offspring back in 2010, and stumbled through his answer.

Davis Gets Dealt

Hard Knocks also highlights the business side of the NFL, which often comes into play during training camp as players look for new contracts. Miami Dolphins cornerback Vontae Davis thought he deserved a pay raise, but management felt differently. The situation came to a head in 2012, when general manager Jeff Ireland told Davis he had been traded to the Indianapolis Colts.

Sacrifice For A Snack

As he’s proven in recent years, Rex Ryan’s ability to speak his mind honestly and passionately has never been in question. These skills were on full display in 2010, when he tried to hype up the Jets as head coach of the team. His words were powerful and genuine, but surprisingly ended his speech with “now let’s get a snack.”

Child Please

Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson was never one to shy away from a camera, and his magnetic personality kept fans entertained. In 2009, he revealed his personal way of telling people off while still sounding polite. Instead of using curse words when someone angered him, Johnson would say “child please,” as another method of telling a person they were being ridiculous.

Emmitt Drives The Bus

Hard Knocks’ second season on the air showcased America’s Team, the Dallas Cowboys. In 2002, Emmitt Smith was a living legend, and was not a player who needed to prove himself in the summer months. As such, he challenged himself in different ways, by driving a full-length team bus in metropolitan Oxnard, California.

Pop, Lock It, Drop It

The show actually had a brief hiatus in 2000’s, but returned to chronicle Kansas City Chiefs in 2007. The team certainly knew how to bust a move, especially safety Bernard Pollard. His gyrations in the locker room had the other players rolling over with laughter. The Chiefs went 4-12 that season, and didn’t have too many other opportunities to laugh besides Pollard’s preseason dancing.

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