Ronnie O’Sullivan delivers expletive rant over Masters opponent Ali Carter

The Rocket’s outburst
“A nightmare”
“Not a nice person”
A questionable rivalry
Carter responds
“Not great headlines”
Not O’Sullivan’s first controversy
Another potential matchup
The Rocket’s outburst

Ronnie O’Sullivan laid out his real feelings for his rival Ali Carter in an expletive-laced press conference following his Masters victory over Carter.

“A nightmare”

Ronnie described Carter as, “a f****** nightmare,” who, “needs to sort his f******* life out,” in his press conference with officials from the World Snooker Tour now reviewing his outburst.


The reason for this outburst seems to be an accusation by Carter that O’Sullivan had, “snotted on the floor,” during the final of the Snooker Masters at Alexandra Palace in London.

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“Not a nice person”

Carter and O’Sullivan have never seemingly got on, but this is the first time either party has laid their views on the line like this. O’Sullivan even went so far as to call Carter, “not a nice person.”

A questionable rivalry

The reason behind the rivalry is unknown, but a shoulder-barging incident at the 2018 World Championship seems to be the starting point.

Carter responds

Carter has also not been shy of voicing his opinions, telling ITV4: “It makes no difference to me what he says – he says different things on different days. I don't think he even knows what is going to come out of his mouth at certain times.”


Carter had already raised eyebrows with comments about the crowd, calling them, “morons,” as they were, “shouting when you are on your shot and saying stupid things at important times because half of them haven't got enough brains.”

“Not great headlines”

Former world champion and ITV4 broadcaster Ken Doherty said, “It is bad blood and he was reacting to what Ali said in the press conference as well. I am sure World Snooker will review it and we'll see what happens, but not great headlines really,” in response to O’Sullivan’s rant.

Not O’Sullivan’s first controversy

Ronnie O’Sullivan is one of the greatest snooker players of all time and a popular figure in the sport, however, he has found himself in the spotlight in controversial circumstances before. In 2008 at a press conference in China, he gave lewd and suggestive remarks in English to a Chinese journalist, not believing everything he was saying would be translated.

Another potential matchup

O’Sullivan and Carter are now competing in the World Grand Prix, both were able to get victories in their first-round matchups. If they continue to win, they will face each other in yet another final, with Carter hoping to finally overcome O’Sullivan. Either way, we’re sure it’ll be a feisty affair.

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