Where is Jenni Hermoso now?

Jenni Hermoso is not in Spain
'Protect me from what? Or from whom?'
Jenni in Mexico
A victim revictimized
Sending a message not to come forward
All wrong
And the footballing men... too cautious in their reaction
Jenni Hermoso – a star in Mexico
A necessary change
Jenni Hermoso is not in Spain

Jenni Hermoso is once again at the centre of another sporting embarrassment for Spain. Embarrassment as new coach of the national women's team, Montse Tomé, has announced the first Spanish squad since their historic World Cup win last month. The big issue? There's no mention of Jenni Hermoso.

'Protect me from what? Or from whom?'

Tomé said that she was excluding Jenni Hermoso from the list to protect her – something Hermoso herself was quick to question: "There has been an attempt to argue that the environment would be safe for my colleagues when at the same press conference it was announced that they are not calling me to protect me. Protect me from what? Or from whom?"

Jenni in Mexico

Hermoso continues her battle for equality from Mexico, where she plays for Pachuca (as seen in the image taken on September 10 during a match with Pumas).

A victim revictimized

As is often the case with women who have been victims of abuse, Jenni Hermoso has been revictimized after suffering a sexual assault. Excluding her from the Spanish team due to her unfortunate part in the non-consensual kiss at the World Cup is just a classic case of punishing a victim.

Sending a message not to come forward

Another absolutely toxic message that Montse Tomé has sent to women by leaving Jenni Hermoso out of the call could be summarized like this: "if you report an assault, you can ruin your professional life."

All wrong

The truth is that what the federation and, in general, the world of football is doing with the 'Jenni Hermoso case' is terrible. Each step deepens the feeling of grievance towards female athletes.

And the footballing men... too cautious in their reaction

The silence (or, at least, mild reaction) from the big names in men's football is striking. Of course, there are those who point to an alleged proximity of Álvaro Carvajal, captain of the Spanish team, to the Spanish far-right political group VOX as an explanation for certain lukewarmness in the defense of women's rights.

Jenni Hermoso – a star in Mexico

Jenni Hermoso, according to various journalistic reports, is treated in Mexico as a true soccer star. While in Spain, her title of international champion seems to be all but stripped from her, in spirit if not in name.

A necessary change

What seems absolutely indisputable is the need for a radical change in various arms of Spanish football so that women feel comfortable.


The horrible thing is that a sporting success as monumental as winning a world championship has been overshadowed by a stack of controversies. Controversies that have a clear origin – the institutional mistreatment of women's sports.

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